To Have Your 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, or 1989 Corvette Dash Cluster Rebuilt
24 Hour Turn Around In Most Cases
Ship To: Taber Corvette Parts 421 Outer S State St $245 Standard Corvette Dash Cluster Rebuild
Chandler, IN 47610 Toll Free 1-877-349-2838
84-89 Corvette Dash Cluster Removal Instructions:
The following steps and photos outline the process of removing the Corvette Dash Cluster from the 1984 thru 1989 Corvettes. |
The photo above is the view you see when you open the driver side door. The first step is to remove the Headlight Switch Knob. The photo below is a close-up of the back end of the knob with a slender bladed screwdriver in position to release the knob retaining clip. |
The view above of the Radio Bezel is shown to advise you to loosen this panel in order to gain access to Dash pad retaining screws. You will remove (3) screws under the Corvette Dash Cluster Bezel and (2) screws under the Radio Bezel. |
The Corvette Dash Cluster Bezel is removed after the Headlight Switch knob. Four(4) Phillips on the left end of the bezel and two (2) screws on the right side. |
The following photos were taken with the Steering Wheel removed to gain clarity. You do not need to remove the Steering Wheel to remove the Corvette Dash Cluster. |
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The photo to the left shows the Corvette Dash Cluster exposed with the dash pad not lifted as yet. Remove or loosen four (4) 7mm screws holding the Corvette Dash Cluster. Two alongside the Steering column and two at the upper corners of the Corvette Dash Cluster. Tilt the steering column down and unscrew the tilt lever (counterclockwise). |
The view above shows the area just above the Corvette Dash Cluster where the dash pad retaining screws are located. Remove those screws and wedge the dash pad up slightly. Now you can tilt the cluster forward and to the left. Position the cluster over the Steering Column as shown in the next view. |
Disconnecting the dash harness to Cluster connectors is accomplished by lifting the metal security clips with a small screwdriver and wedging the connectors off with a flat blade screwdriver. The Corvette Dash Cluster is free. |
The photo on the right shows the empty Corvette Dash Cluster mounting area. If you look closely you can see the 24 pin and the 32 pin connectors that bring all voltages and all data from the many functions that the Corvette Dash Cluster monitors. Reverse this procedure to re-insert the exchanged Corvette Dash Cluster. |
We can rebuild your corvette dash cluster in 24 hours.
$245 for Standard Corvette Digital Dash Cluster Rebuild.
Ship To: Taber Corvette Parts
421 Outer S State St
Chandler, IN 47610
Toll Free 1-877-349-2838